You may be ineligible to make a claim if:

You fail to minimise the damage to the vehicle by continuing to drive the Vehicle when damage to any of the vehicle’s components is suspected.

Repairs are commenced or carried out without the express authority of VP & the issuing of an AAN.

You fail to provide proof of payment for services if required.

You fail to comply with the servicing requirements in respect of the vehicle as specified in Section 3.

If upon assessment of your claim enquiry, VP discovers that are you in breach of your vehicle’s servicing obligations, you MAY be ineligible to claim for that specific repair or any faults whilst the vehicle servicing obligations are in breach.

If this should occur, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs yourself, however, you will still be able to use our extensive network of approved repairers to ensure a reliable and cost effective repair process.

In order to make future claims under your VPP, your vehicle must undergo a satisfactory mechanical inspection from an approved VP repairer to satisfy us that your vehicle is in good working order and has complied with the conditions and contract of the VPP.

This is where your VPP differs AND IN YOUR FAVOUR from all other types of vehicle protection programmes. The repair inspection invoice date and kilometres could be considered a recommencement date for calculating servicing obligations for the remainder of the VPP term.

This is  a Vehicle Protection Program concept and a great advantage to you through your VPP contract. It means that even if you breach your servicing requirements, your VPP will not necessarily be voided and at our goodwill to determine if you receive this benefit.


In the event you wish to cancel the VPP there will be no refund of any funds and it must be made in writing to VP. Email:

VP may cancel this VPP if:

  • You fail to pay your motor dealer the purchase price of the VPP, unless your motor dealer waives the purchase price;

  • There is evidence that the vehicle’s odometer has been tampered with, or is defective;

  • You, or a person acting on your behalf, or otherwise with your knowledge, provide any false statement in support of a claim;

  • The Vehicle is at anytime used for rallying, racing, any competitive driving, or tested for such events.

  • An interested finance company is in possession of default and repossession papers. The refund calculation will be less our cancellation/administration costs. No cancellation refunds may be given if a claim has been authorised or paid on this VPP.

Do you have any question?

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